The Tea Party Conservatives Came to Washington to Chew Bubblegum and Kick Ass.

And They're All Out of Bubble Gum. Doug Ross
On Allen West, Michelle Bachman and Darrel Issa...

Tea Party 2010: A year of review in photos
President Obama, the progressive Democrats, and the mainstream media underestimated the American people. They underestimated the Forgotten American. They underestimated the Tea Party Movement. And in 2010, the collective passion, angst, anger, frustration, sadness, depression, outrage, fear, resentment, intelligence, wisdom, and hope of a real people's revolution was expressed in the way our Founding Fathers intended: at the ballot box.

All across America, the White House finally felt the power of the people. Harnessing that power, the Tea Party Movement laid waste to the liberal hopes of Democrats, old and new, on November 2, 2010. Now, in 2011, the House of Representatives will have a new face, a new heart, and a new focus: to reign in Big Government abuses and return America back to something that Thomas Jefferson and George Washington would have recognized. Let us hope that in 2011, this new Congress does not let us down.