When the history of the Great Debt Ceiling Debate of 2011 gets written, the main character will not be a Beltway negotiator, or even a politician.

The only reason Washington has even talked about proposals to slow the growth of government spending, instead of robotically jacking up the nation's credit line for the 11th time in a decade, is that a large, decentralized group of citizen activists has spent the last few years loudly telling politicians from both parties one consistent message: Restrain your own power or face our wrath. - pittsburghlive.com

Boehner did not hold the line in debt-ceiling negotiations out of any evident sense of principle. He did it because the tea party helped send more than 90 brand-spanking-new representatives and senators to Washington last fall, and those people are talking and acting differently from the 21st-century Republicans Americans have grown to hate. He knows that if he continues to disrespect the limited-government tradition, these activists will punish him and his party come 2012.

This is the enduring lesson of the tea party, and it's one that any sort of political group would do well to emulate: By refusing to be cowed by one of the major parties, and promising to inflict damage if its aims are ignored, this grassroots uprising shows how political independents can force mainstream parties to do their bidding.

In a country where the single largest political affiliation is now neither Democrat nor Republican but "independent" (38 percent, according to Gallup; 37 percent, according to the Pew Research Center) and where a whole generation of Americans has grown up fluent in the online skills that are disrupting incumbents in all other walks of life, the political winds seem to be blowing in the same direction: away from dominant political tribes that are justifiably leaking market share and toward individuals who are fed up with bipartisan logjams that produce asinine policies.

Rep. Kristi Noem: The Debt Plan Is a Win for Tea Party Freshmen


PATRIOTS: This is one week from tomorrow!!!

With leaders and activists speaking on topics ranging from UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development to Redevelopment Reform to Exposing New Urbanism to Recognizing and Fighting Communitarianism in Your Community, this conference will be a forum for those in Northern California and beyond to share information and learn more. This is a non-partisan event.

KEYNOTE SPEAKER: NIKI RAAPANA, author of The Anti-Communitarian Manifesto, and the world's foremost critic of Communitarianism.
Co-sponsored by The Post Sustainability Institute, Democrats Against UN Agenda 21, and the Santa Rosa Neighborhood Coalition, this groundbreaking conference will give you the knowledge and tools you need to stop UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development from dismantling your freedom.

Saturday August 6, 2011
10:00 am to 4:00 pm
$15 --no one turned away for lack of funds
This is a private conference and we reserve the right to refuse entry

**If you would like to go, let's see if we can get a car pool together
~ if you would like to go & need a ride or if you are going & have a
few extra seats ~ call Gwen @ 707-498-3101.

**For those of you who missed Supervisor Ryan Sundberg's talk last night, you missed a very informative evening!! Thanks Gail for arranging this!!

There is still time to submit your thoughts on the re-districting happening HERE in Humboldt County. You can email or fax your opinion to Supervisor Sundberg.

Email Supervisor Sundberg

You can submit something as simple as "I think Fieldbrook/Glendale should remain with McKinleyville as they are all unincorporated communities."

*********Remember to sign up to work our booth at the Ferndale
Fair..... we will be distributing tickets for the gate & parking to
those working the booth.
Openings at this time: AM Shift 11-4 PM Shift 4-9
Saturday, Aug 13-one spot AM shift, one spot PM Shift
Sunday, Aug 14--two spots for the AM Shift
Monday, Aug 15--one spot AM Shift
--one spot PM Shift
Tuesday, Aug 16--one spot AM Shift
Thursday, Aug 18--one spot AM
--one spot PM
Friday, Aug 19 --one spot AM
Sunday, Aug 21 -- two spots AM
## If you can fill any of the needed spots, please call Gwen @

Remember: NEVER Sit DOWN & NEVER SHUT UP....

General Meeting ~ Thursday, July 28th

Humboldt Tea Party Patriots
General Meeting ~ Thursday, July 28th
Eureka Veterans Building - 1020 H Street
5:30--Meet & Greet

This meeting 5th District Ryan Sundberg will be our special speaker.

You don't want to miss this, tell neighbors, heck BRING your neighborsand friends to listen and ask questions. There are so many issues facing us in Humboldt County, ask Mr. Sundberg for yourself!!

-- Humboldt County Fair-Ferndale August 11 - 21 - Sign up to work shifts
-- 1st Shift 11 - 4
-- 2nd shift 4 - 9
You can always call Gwen @ 707-498-3101 to see if your favorite time to work the booth is available!!!!

Remember - TO REPLY TO THIS, email us at --- patriot@humteaparty.com

The Tea Party, Right About Everything

The Tea Party, Right About Everything - Randall Hoven at American Thinker
The false narrative is that the Tea Party is a bunch of stubborn nuts, if not outright racists. In truth, the Tea Party has been right about everything, while almost everyone else has been nuts, especially the "experts...." read the rest

Blaming the Tea Party for America's Debt Dilemma? Better Get Your Facts Straight

Neil Cavuto - FOX

Fact One -- Tea Partiers' opposition to tax hikes didn't bring us to this brink. Washington's indifference to spending did.
Fact Two -- Tea Partiers didn't create these deficits. Washington did.
Fact Three -- Tea Partiers didn't wreck the budget this year. Try Democrats, who had total control of Washington, not even offering a budget at all... last year.
Fact Four -- Tea Partiers aren't the reason we're up against another debt limit. Washington is....
Fact Eight -- Tea Partiers aren't the crazy ones for saying it's time to stop this nonsense. Those who call them crazy for dare speaking the obvious are the ones who make "no" sense....
Read all 10

Redistricting - Blue Lake Grange - Tomorrow, 6PM

There is a meeting at the Grange Hall in Blue Lake tomorrow (Thursday) at 6 p.m. regarding the proposal to put Blue Lake in the Arcata district with Mark Lovelace as the supervisor. The Fieldbrook, Glendale and surrounding areas are distinct from Arcata, since they are a more rural area. Hope you and all your friends can attend. - Tea Party Patriots

(more redistricting meetings - schedule here)