SUNDAY SEPT. 11 12:00 PM
Main Street, Fortuna

The entire community is encouraged to participate.
Please bring an American Flag to carry in the parade.

The parade will start at the City parking lot on N Street, between 11th and 12th Streets. The route will go down 11th Street to Main Street, then along Main Street TO THE VETERANS MEMORIAL BLDG . There will be a ceremony to honor and remember those who LOST their lives on September 11, 2001.

Sponsored by:
Fortuna Volunteer Fire Department • Fortuna Police Department • City of Fortuna

Humboldt Tea Party Patriots - About Us

Democrats need a spine to stand up to tea party

Democrats have been their usual hapless, communicatively-challenged selves, the congressional equivalent of the kid in school who walks around all day with “Kick Me” taped to his back, then wonders why people keep kicking him. - Leonard Pitts Jr./Miami Herald

I am pleased to report the sighting of an artifact so rarely seen among Democrats that it has become the stuff of legend and conjecture, like Bigfoot or the Loch Ness monster. It is called a spine.

Said spine was briefly glimpsed a little over a week ago at a “jobs summit” in Inglewood, Calif. in the person of Rep. Maxine Waters. “I’m not afraid of anybody,” the California Democrat said. “. . . And as far as I’m concerned, the ‘tea party’ can go straight to Hell.”

California’s Gardasil mandate moves forward

◼ Michelle Malkin: The California legislature is quietly pushing forward with a sweeping proposal to mandate that Gardasil — the vaccine marketed as a shield against the sexually transmitted human papillomavirus (HPV) — can be dispensed by the state to children as young as 12 without the permission of their parents.

...the legislation had been voted out of the state Senate Appropriations Committee by 6-3. There were no witnesses or testimony at the hearing. The bill, AB 499, had previously been suspended over cost concerns. Now, it is expected to head quickly to the Senate floor for a full vote this week and supporters believe Democratic California Gov. Jerry Brown will sign it.

In California: Contempt for Voters in Senate Move on Amazon Tax

The maneuver in the Senate Appropriations Committee yesterday to undercut the referendum on the Amazon tax legislation is a glaring example of the contempt with which legislators hold the people's right of initiative and referendum. - Joel Fox at Fox & Hounds

...The process is an integral part of the checks and balances system giving the people control over their government. Clearly, some legislators don't want the voters making decisions at the ballot box on actions taken by the legislature.

Amazon.com challenged a new law that requires online retailers to collect sales tax. A referendum was filed to put the issue before the voters. According to the Los Angeles Times, signature gatherers "already are off the streets, having met their goal well before the Sept. 27 deadline for turning in completed petitions."

To foil this process, Senator Loni Hancock pulled what amounts to a parliamentary parlor trick by gutting a bill and substituting language similar to the wording in the original tax law calling the revised bill an "urgency" measure. The constitution declares that an urgency measure, which requires a two-thirds vote to pass, is immune to a referendum effort.

Every Single One: The Politicized Hiring of Eric Holder’s Compliance Section

For several weeks, PJMedia has been publishing a series of articles on the ideological and partisan histories of attorney hires into the career civil service ranks of the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division in the Obama administration. The articles have demonstrated the political and ideological litmus test being employed by those entrusted with hiring in the Division. - J. Christian Adams/Pajamas Media

Every single new attorney hired has a history thick with left-wing activism.

Obama is saying that the downgrade resulted because the Tea Party had the temerity to debate and question his policies. See, it was a Tea Party downgrade, according to the Democrats' silly rhetoric. It wasn't Obama's record smashing national debt and first-time-ever trillion dollar plus deficits every year in office that caused the debt downgrade.

The Downward Spiral - Peter Ferrara at American Spectator

General Meeting August 25th - Guest Speaker: Carolyn Crnich

Humboldt Tea Party Patriots General Meeting
Eureka Veterans Bldg - 1020 H St Eureka
Thursday, August 25th 5:30 Social Meet/ Greet 6:00 Meeting

Our speaker will be Humboldt County Clerk/Recorder/Registrar of Voters, Carolyn Crnich who be informing us about her job and will take Questions. One subject, we all are interested in---REDISTRICTING!!!

~ Signature gathering for the 2 petitions
~ September 7th, Wednesday- Eureka School Board Mtg-at 6PM Located at
3200 Walford Ave, Eureka, CA 95503--- join Fred Nelson & Al Dunnegan as they address the board over the pending elimination of the NJROTC Program from Eureka High Curriculum
~ September 11th- memorial details to follow

FYI--- Last week at the fair, one of our patriots informed us our emails we have been sending out via the "Google-group" end up in his SPAM Box---please check your SPAM Box for our emails. If they are in your SPAM BOX--Click on the email & then click on "NOT SPAM" hopefully you will then be receiving our notices!!! Please do this as the "Google-Group" is a much easier way to communicate with our group.

TO REPLY TO THIS, email us at --- patriot@humteaparty.com We are a not for profit organization solely funded by the generous donations of individuals. If you would like to help us, you can send your donations to: Humboldt Tea Party Patriots @ 3144 Broadway, Suite 4- Box 116, Eureka, Ca 95501. Your donations are not tax deductible.

"Exposing Wireless Smart Meters" On Ch. 12

This Tuesday Aug. 23rd at 6:30pm the film "Exposing Wireless Smart Meters" will again be on Access Humboldt Channel 12. It's good to call Access Humboldt--476-1798--and tell them that you are interested in this issue so they will keep airing this film.

Marco Rubio


A Gallup poll now has Tea Party supporters outnumbering the whole Looney Left in the USA. And Stan Greenberg, Bill Clinton's pollster, just wrote that Obama better join the Tea Party if he wants to win next year. - James Lewis at American Thinker

Tea Partiers of the World, Unite! A New Spirit is Sweeping Over America!....

Or at least, Tea Party Phobia seems to be upsetting political tummies all over DC.

The other week Veep Joe Biden and Senator Kerry were heard shrieking like a pair of old steam whistles. Joe called the Moms and Pops of the Tea Party "terrorists" --- maybe because they inspire terror in Joe when he sobers up enough to read the latest Gallup poll.

As for Kerry, ole' John told Fox News the media weren't supposed to give equal time to the Tea Party.

A Gallup poll now has Tea Party supporters outnumbering the whole Looney Left in the USA. And Stan Greenberg, Bill Clinton's pollster, just wrote that Obama better join the Tea Party if he wants to win next year.

Ya think maybe those poll numbers have them worried?

Could T-Phobia be spreading?... lots more, and lots of links at the link.

Planning Commission: Marijuana Land Use Ordinance.

There is a planning commission meeting on August 18, 2011, beginning at 6 p.m. This Thursday. On the agenda is Marijuana Land Use Ordinance.

This is Item #1 on the agenda.

The staff recommendation: "Open the public hearing, receive the staff report, supplemental information & public testimony; Deliberate on proposed ordinance revisions and either: 1) continue hearing to date certain and instruct Planning staff as to additional changes requested; or 2) adopt a motion to make the required findings and approve the amendments (with or without changes) and forward the amendments to the Board of Supervisors for their consideration and possible adoption."

One of the items that was holding up the establishment of a "medical" marijuana dispensary in our neighborhood. FYI one is being planned in the Glendale area --location to be next to Murphy's Market in the old mini mart location. The public has not been noticed on this yet....so far only the agencies have been notified on this.

Obama Conversation With Tea Partier Gets Heated

President Obama got into a heated back-and-forth Monday with a Tea Party activist who demanded to know at the end of a town hall meeting here whether Vice President Biden had called Tea Partiers “terrorists” during the debt ceiling debate on Capitol Hill. - FOX

Obama did say he would discuss the matter further with Rhodes, founder of the Iowa Tea Party, after the event. And the duo was spotted in an animated conversation a few moments later.

In an interview later with Fox News, Rhodes claimed that the president had insisted that Biden had not made the original comment.

“He just denied it. He said the vice president didn't make any of those assertions,” Rhodes said. “If he doesn’t want to even admit what was on TV nationally -- all over the place -- then how can you have a conversation?”

Rhodes added that Obama brushed him aside. “Then he said, ‘We can't have a conversation because you're saying I called you a terrorist,’” recalled Rhodes. “The fact is it demonstrates the deep divide that he is unwilling to negotiate without going after the other side. The whole day was about going after Republicans and talking about how unreasonable they are.”

John Kerry and the ‘Tea Party Downgrade’

The “Tea Party downgrade” memo has been successfully circulated. - Michelle Malkin

First up today is John Kerry. It’s some kind of hilarious to watch a big spending, pro bloated government liberal try to come across like a life-long hawk on cutting deficits, shrinking government and tackling the debt problem — if only his hands weren’t tied by those darned anti spending cuts Tea Partiers...

Harry Reid: Yep… That Tea Party’s Going Away Any Day Now…

The days of the Tea Party’s influence on American politics are numbered, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said this weekend. - Michelle Malkin ...somewhat ironically, that if Harry Reid wants to help fast-track a Tea Party breakup, the greatest single contribution he could make would be to resign his Senate seat.

There does seem something very circular about CNN, CBS and NY Times polling showing an increase in negative views of the Tea Party

Report – CNN, CBS and NY Times polls show CNN, CBS and NY Times anti-Tea Party strategy working - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion The mainstream media spends two years calling the Tea Party movement racist, extremist, sexist, terrorist, and hostage takers, and then acts as if negative polling results reflect something wrong with the Tea Party movement rather than their own biased reporting.

Meeting August 11 - Catching up

Remember meeting this Thursday, August 11, 2011
Eureka Veterans Building, 1020 H Street
5:30 Meet & Greet, 6 pm Meeting

We will be listening to one of our own. Catching up on what we need to be aware of and working on!

For those of you who are working in the booth on Friday through the end of the fair, we will have your tickets at the mtg! So come pick them up!!

~~ Del Norte Tea Party will have Tim Baton National Speaker for Wallbuilders at their mtg Tuesday, August 9th Assembly of God Church -- car pool??? call Gwen 498-3101

~~Humboldt County Fair-Ferndale August 11-21 - Sign up to work shifts
-- 1st Shift 11:00 - 4:00 --
--2nd shift 4:00 - 9:00
You can always call Gwen @ 707-498-3101 to see if your favorite time to work the booth is available!!!!

August 25th Carolyn Crnich will be our guest speaker