• Contact us: patriot@humteaparty.com


    Dorice Miranda - President
    Gwen Morris - Vice President
    Susan Pierce - Board Chairman
    Fred Nelson - Vice Chairman
    Al Dunnegan - Finance Director
    Ronda Ambrosini - Programs Director

    Who are we?

    We are an independent nonpartisan grassroots organization dedicated to restoring America’s government at all levels—federal, state, and local—to one that is fiscally responsible, allows free market economics, and is constrained by the limits of our constitution. We are people of all colors, creeds, and socioeconomic levels. We are the spiritual heirs of the American patriots who filled Boston’s harbor with tea in 1773 in response to government tyranny. We are the Humboldt Tea Party Patriots.

    What is our mission?

    The Humboldt Tea Party Patriots seek to organize like-minded individuals and to inform others of current issues. Our mission is to secure public policy consistent with the constitution and our core values—a limited and responsible government, free market economy, and fiscal responsibility.

    Why are we here?

    Our constitutional republic is under attack. Our elected officials swear an oath to defend and obey our constitution, but with precious few exceptions they waste no time in violating their oath. These same elected officials, combined with an army of appointed officials, tax us selectively in myriad ways, and they tax us uniformly by instituting policies that debase our currency.

    Government officials are creating economic and military policies that undermine our ability as a nation to defend ourselves from enemies abroad. They are instituting domestic policies that involve radical social engineering and force many citizens into what amounts to involuntary servitude. They are destroying our free market system. They are not serving, as did our founding fathers, at great personal sacrifice. Nor are they serving the interests of the American people.

    What do we do?

    Our tri-fold purpose is to organize, educate, and communicate. We protest grievances in a peaceful manner. We strive to educate ourselves and our fellow citizens about our constitution and about the original intentions if those who created it. We work to shed light on how state officials are changing our very form of government and economic system and to apprise the public of current issues and legislation. Most importantly, we want to ensure that everyone knows who in government are the worst offenders so we can persuade those causing these grievances either to change their ways or face political consequences.

    Dorice Miranda - President

    I have never been involved much in politics. I’ve been a working mother of three concerned about raising my children and making a living for our family. We are third generation farmers and we love our way of life on the California North Coast. As we fight to maintain our way of life, I keep seeing more and more regulation, restrictions, taxes and costs making running our own business more and more difficult. I have had enough of the irresponsibility and excessive, wasteful spending by our elected officials. I believe our government is extremely out of touch with the people of this country. I am fearful for my children and grand children and the world in which they will live. We are responsible for where we are at today by not being more involved, and I take that responsibility. I realized that it was time for me to stand up and say, “Enough is Enough!” On April 15th 2009 we held the largest rally ever to be held at the County Courthouse with over 600-700 patriots in attendance. I was amazed at the size of the crowd. And so our local group of the Tea Party Patriots evolved. We are not funded by any person or group only our own pocketbooks. We have no loyalty to any PAC or party. We are about uniting as Americans, democrats, republicans, and independents to get our country back, person to person, friend to friend.

    Alvin D. Dunnegan - Finance Director

    I am currently married and live in Hydesville, CA. I was born and raised in Ferndale, CA and joined the U.S. Navy after graduating from high school. I served in the Navy for twenty years on the east coast and retired as a Senior Chief Petty Officer. Upon retirement from the Navy, I remained in Virginia and started a second career as software test engineer and permanently retired from Unisys Corporation in 2004. Hobbies include traveling, bowling, gardening, fishing and cooking.