FYI: This was received from a member of a southern California Tea Party. Please read and pass to all family and friends. We must be proactive and speak up or we will continue to lose our freedoms. Last week Gwen saw 6 or 8 trucks with the name "Wellington" printed on the side. It wasn't a local name she recognized so after checking this out she discovered that Wellington is the company that PG&E has contracted to install these SMART METERS. They are already here folks!
◼ Republican Orlean Koehle says Just Say NO to “Big Brother’s” Smart Meters
What is a smart meter? It is one that contains RF (radio frequency) so that it can be remotely controlled and read. No longer will a meter reader have to come to your home to read the meter. It will all be done remotely. When all is in place, the smart meter will not only keep track of how much electricity you are using, but it will be able to control, regulate, and ration your use of that electricity. If “big brother” decides that you are using too much heat in the winter time, or too much air conditioning in the summer time, or using too much hot water in your showers or washing machine (even if you are willing to pay for that extra usage), that use of power will be automatically turned down. A future goal is to have all appliances replaced with those containing RF chips for even more regulations and controls.
To most Americans, this is a little too much “big brother” snooping into our private lives and trying to control every aspect of them.
◼ PG&E's info page
◼ PG&E and Wellington Energy
PG&E and Wellington Energy, an authorized, independent contractor for PG&E, began upgrading gas and electric meters in 2006. The SmartMeter™ program is already the largest in the nation, and by mid-2012, will be available to all of the millions of gas and electric customers we serve.
The SmartMeter™ system provides new features for you: More convenience and better, faster service; New rate choices and more control over your energy bills.
◼ Protests Halt PG&E's 'Smart' Meters for 3rd Day in a Row at indybay
◼ PG&E suspends exec who used alias in online group