Opportunities to GET INVOLVED

On the Board of Supervisor's Agenda for TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2010
◼ Airport Advisory Board
◼ Alcohol and Drug Advisory Board
◼ Area 1 Developmental Disability Board
◼ Assessment Appeals Board
◼ Citizen’s Law Enforcement Liaison Committee
◼ Emergency Medical Care Committee
◼ Fire Safe Council
◼ Fish and Game Advisory Commission
◼ Forestry Review Committee
◼ Headwaters Fund Board
◼ Housing Authority Commission
◼ Human Rights Commission
◼ In-Home Supportive Services Advisor Committee
◼ Mental Health Board
◼ Status of Women Commission
◼ Williamson Act Advisory Committee
◼ Workforce Investment Board
To request an application, please contact the Clerk of the Board at 476-2384.

At a glance: Final results in the November election

posted Saturday at 12:50 PM
Mari Wilson: 59.13 percent
Johanna Rodoni: 40.54 percent

District Attorney
Paul V. Gallegos: 52.08 percent

Allison Jackson: 47.61 percent

Monthly meeting: Thursday, December 9th

Tea Party Social - Bring your favorite cookies for a Christmas celebration of coffee and cookies. Mark your Calendars.

Stay up to date with our HTPP Calendar: ◼ See EVENTS Tab above

Opportunities to Make Your Voices Heard re: PG&E Smart Meters

We are still battling against PG&E over the installation of the Smart Meter for health and privacy concerns. We encourage you to write letters to the editor of your local or county paper expressing your opinion. We have enough intrusion of Big Brother in our lives. There is a really great website to keep you up-to-date on what is happening with the Smart Meter and why people are opposing it. Go to: ◼ http://emfsafetynetwork.org/ There are some upcoming City Council, County Supervisor, and PG&E meetings that are happening this next week that we wanted to make you aware of:

Please take action

County Supervisors Meeting – Tuesday Nov. 30th at 10:30am. If you are unable to attend but would like to submit a letter to the supervisors to be placed into the record please do so. You must submit 7 copies. The smart meter issue is on the agenda so it will be a hot topic item for discussion.

City Hall
834 Main Street
Ferndale CA 95536
Date: December 2, 2010
Time: 7 pm

PG&E Outreach Meetings
Three outreach meetings are planned in Humboldt County.
The first will be on Monday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Eureka City Hall, 531 K St., Eureka.

On Tuesday, the PG&E representatives will be in Garberville from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Best Western Humboldt House Inn at 701 Redwood Drive.

On Dec. 1, they will be in Fortuna from noon to 7 p.m. at the River Lodge Conference Center in the Fireside Room, 1800 Riverwalk Drive.

For information, visit ◼ www.pge.com/smartmeterwww.pge.com/smartmeter or call 1-866-743-0263.
These dates are on our HTPP Calendar, subscribe and stay up to date: ◼ Available at EVENTS Tab above

The DREAM Act: STILL A Spending Nightmare

Once again we find ourselves fighting back against Big Government politicians who are trying to cram legislation that we don't want down our throats. Even after the historic election almost three weeks ago, Harry Reid feels that it is appropriate for him to pursue legislation that is bad for America, but that pays back the special interests that got him re-elected. Please take some time to call the targeted Senators and remind them that the American people want restraint and responsibility restored to our government and that the DREAM Act is a spending nightmare that we cannot afford.

Included here:
1. Information about the NIGHTMARE Act
2. Contact information for the targeted Senators

Take action now to stop S.510 - the "Food Safety Modernization Act"

This bill is not about food safety. This bill is is about the Overreaching Expansion of Big Government and more power to the FDA!!!

Please call your Senator NOW and tell them and Harry Reid NO on S.510.

(NaturalNews) If there's one thing to give thanks for this year, it's the fact that the Senate floor vote on the so-called "Food Safety Modernization Act" has been delayed until after the Senate's Thanksgiving recess. This gives all of us -- the commonsense opponents of S.510 who don't want the FDA having authority over raw milk, seeds and backyard gardens -- another week to flood the offices of U.S. Senators with calls, faxes and emails that express opposition to the bill.

California News

Brown Faces Challenge in Keeping Education Promises Californiawatch.org
Gov.-elect Jerry Brown will face substantial challenges in implementing may parts of his education platform, arguably the most detailed of any California governor in recent memory. The platform received little attention during the election campaign....
Dire Straits - The State of California's Finances

California's Unemployment Fund Has $10.3 Billion Deficit Sacramento Bee
California businesses already pay some of the highest unemployment taxes in the country - and the tab is likely to increase. The recession and the Legislature's decision years ago to raise benefits have drained the state unemployment insurance fund, which now has an estimated $10.3 billion deficit

Happy Meal ban closer to reality in San Francisco latimesblogs
San Francisco's quickservice toy ban wins final approval
A proposal to ban toys from quickservice meals that don't meet certain calorie and nutritional standards gained final passage from San Francisco's Board of Supervisors on Tuesday. The board has enough votes to override Mayor Gavin Newsom's expected veto, which means the so-called "Happy Meal" ban would take effect next year.

Ben Stein's final column: read and be inspired

For many years Ben Stein has written a biweekly column called
''Monday Night At Morton's.'' (Morton's is a famous chain of Steakhouses known to be frequented by movie stars and famous people from around the globe.) Now, Ben is terminating the column to move on to other things in his life. Reading his final column is worth a few minutes of your time.

Ben Stein's Last Column...
How Can Someone Who Lives in Insane Luxury Be a Star in Today's World?
As I begin to write this, I 'slug' it, as we writers say, which means I put a heading on top of the document to identify it. This heading is 'eonline FINAL,' and it gives me a shiver to write it. I have been doing this column for so long that I cannot even recall when I started. I loved writing this column so much for so long I came to believe it would never end.

Obama, Weakened After Midterms, Reveals Limited Leverage in Failed S. Korea Deal

at washingtonpost.com
President Obama's inability to secure a free-trade agreement with South Korea reveals in sharp relief the limits of his leverage overseas after a devastating midterm election.

Deficit Panel Leaders' Plan Curbs Social Security

at washingtonpost.com
Leaders of Barack Obama's bipartisan deficit commission on Wednesday proposed reducing the annual cost-of-living increases in Social Security, curb the growth of Medicare and eliminate popular tax breaks, such as mortgage interest deductions....

GOP House Could Spell End of New 1099 Rule

President Barack Obama acknowledged this week that a forthcoming rule requiring businesses to file 1099 forms for expenses over $600 could be detrimental to small businesses. The statement followed Tuesday's elections in which Republicans took control of the House of Representatives. The requirement, which is part of the health care bill, has been heavily criticized by Republican lawmakers as well as business groups.

Outrageous: MSNBC Broadcast Causes Left-Wing Woman to Make Fake School-Shooting Threat Blamed on Tea Party

MSM headline you’ll never see: MSNBC Inspires Left-Wing Hate Hoax at TheOtherMcCain
...the truth emerged: The shooting threat came from Ellisa Martinez, a left-wing Green Party activist:
The FBI says that after Martinez saw a tape on MSNBC of Kaufman at a July 3 Tea Party rally, she fired off a threatening email that led to a lockdown at all Broward County schools....

Allen West dials radio talker Joyce Kaufman for chief of staff
'Person of interest' interviewed about shooting threat that locked down Broward County schools
Allen West's chief of staff resigns -- says she won't be part of an "electronic lynching by proxy"
Schools Threat Suspect Is Green Party Member
Pasco woman accused of making threat to Broward County school
Fla. woman accused of making threats appears in LA

Tea Party activists flex their muscle

Next Tea Party Target: Corporate America
Jesse Jackson isn't the only activist that can use corporate boycotts for political purposes. Starting next year, the huge Tea Party organizer FreedomWorks will urge supporters to punish huge corporations like General Electric and Johnson and Johnson for backing President Obama's progressive agenda....

USA Today Poll: Tea Party support grows

Poll: Tea Party support grows; USA divided
,,,The results reflect the strength of the Tea Party movement as the GOP prepares to take control of the House of Representatives in January....

Building a Conservative Majority Starts at Home

Warner Todd Huston at biggovernment.com -
If conservatives intend to translate Tea Party enthusiasm into actual power they are certainly going to have begin to put like-minded folks into office and not just at the federal level. Every office from dogcatcher, to city offices, to county and state offices needs to be filled with Tea Party advocates. Conservatives cannot expect an enduring governing capability by focusing solely on federal elections.

To that end, this week American Majority (AmericanMajority.org/) unveiled a new initiative to help train Tea Party groups to groom local candidates in order to build a more enduring conservative governing majority across the country. The project is called the New Leaders Project.

AM hopes to help local Tea Party groups to identify 10 new leaders in their local community to run for state or local office. “The program will help community leaders identify quality candidates while fostering a new era of accountability between voters and elected officials,” said representatives for the group.
read the rest

The New Leaders Project - RedState
...I, and many in the Tea Party movement, am not interested in change for one or two election cycles. I am hoping for generational change, but for that to happen, the work must begin as locally as possible. Let’s face it: the political movements that are long-term and sustainable over time go down to as local a level as possible and organize, not only organizing precincts, but running candidates for every level of office....

Smart Meter Action Item

If you are concerned about the installation of Smart Meters in your community please join us at the Eureka City Council meeting, Tuesday Nov. 16th, 2010 at 531 K Street in Eureka at 6pm. Each speaker will have 3 minutes to let the council members hear their concerns. The public comment period will be right at the beginning of the meeting. Remember there is power in numbers. Hope to see you all there.

Report on Tonight’s meeting in Fortuna:
We had a great showing tonight at the Fortuna City Council meeting. There were 25 +/- people there to express their concerns over the installation of the Smart Meters in their communities. Many people spoke and really brought up some very important issues. Our voices were definitely heard tonight.

UN Agenda 21

In a previous article we sent out about the Smart Meters there was a reference to something called “Agenda 21.” This article in American Thinker explains this further:
UN Agenda 21 - Coming to a Neighborhood near You
Most Americans are unaware that one of the greatest threats to their freedom may be a United Nations program known as Agenda 21. The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Division for Sustainable Development created Agenda 21 as a sustainability agenda which is arguably an amalgamation of socialism and extreme environmentalism brushed with anti-American, anti-capitalist overtones.

A detailed history on sustainable development, definitions, and critical actions can be found here. Section III of the Agenda 21 Plan addresses local community sustainable development. The Preamble and Chapter 28 discuss how Agenda 21 should be implemented at a local level. The United Nations purposely recommends avoiding the term Agenda 21 and suggests a cleverly named alternative: "smart growth...."
Read the rest


YouCut – a first-of-its-kind project - is designed to defeat the permissive culture of runaway spending in Congress. It allows you to vote, both online and on your cell phone, on spending cuts that you want to see the House enact. Each week, we will take the winning item and offer it to the full House for an up-or-down vote, so that you can see where your representative stands on your priorities. Vote on this page today for your priorities and together we can begin to change Washington's culture of spending into a culture of savings. - Weigh in!

Patriots: Action Item

Concerned about PG&E’s installation of smart meters? Come to the Fortuna City Council Meeting, Mon. Nov. 15, Fortuna City Hall @ 6pm and voice your concerns.

We ask anyone who would like to say a brief word about PG&E’s installation of smart meters in our area during the “Oral Comments From the Public” to come prepared with a brief statement. If you live in the Fortuna area your voice will carry much more weight. Even if you do not wish to speak we need you. There is power in numbers. The meeting begins at 6:00pm and the comment period will be right at the beginning. We hope to see you there.

Follow Humboldt Tea Party Patriots on Facebook

Dire Straits - The State of California's Finances

California’s Assorted Rocks and Hard Places - Victor Davis Hanson
News came out on Thursday that the California budget deficit is actually closer to $25 billion, twice what we are told. This follows from last year’s $42 billion shortfall, which was closed by all sorts of one-time tax increases and gimmicks. Here is our general dilemma in a nutshell.

Calif borrows $40M a day to pay unemployment - sfgate.com
With one in every eight workers unemployed and empty state coffers, California is borrowing billions of dollars from the federal government to pay unemployment insurance.

The Los Angeles Times reports that the state owes $8.6 billion already, and will have to come up with a $362-million payment to Washington by the end of next September.

California's unemployment fund has deficit of $10.3 billion - mcclatchydc.com

What does the market know about California's finances that the rest of us don't? - Doug Ross at The Journal

Troubled California begins $14bn bond sale - Financial Times

'A horrible, horrible mess': State budget back in the red, lawmakers called to special session - Times-Standard
"It doesn't really make sense for a lame duck governor to be doing this,” said Noreen Evans, who next month will take the 2nd District State Senate seat currently held by Patricia Wiggins."... Evans said it might be time to hand off some state services to the county and city levels, where voters have been more open to passing tax increases.

North Coast Assemblyman Wesley Chesbro, D-Arcata, is on vacation and was not immediately available for comment Friday, according to his spokesman.

Indymac Boys Get Sweetheart Deal

On YouTube

Quick Quiz

So, you think you know where you stand, politically. Think again. The result from this short test may surprise you and give you some food for thought.

You'll be asked just 10 questions, and then it instantly tells you where you stand politically. It shows your position as a red dot on a "political map" so you'll see exactly where you score.

The most interesting thing about the Quiz is that it goes beyond the Democrat, Republican, and Independent.

The Quiz has gotten a lot of attention. The Washington Post said it has "gained respect as a valid measure of a person's political leanings." The Fraser Institute said it's "a fast, fun, and accurate assessment of a person's overall political views." Suite University said it is the "most concise and accurate political quiz out there."

Click here: World's Smallest Political Quiz

Virginia Bill Asks For Tea Party License Plate

...A state lawmaker is proposing a bill to create a license plate for Virginians to express solidarity with the spirit of the Tea Party movement.
At the request of constituents, Henrico County Republican Del. John O'Bannon has filed legislation to establish a "Don't Tread On Me" license plate.
The plate features the rattlesnake emblem and yellow background of the historic Gadsden Flag, which has become a symbol for the Tea Party movement....

Virginia Bill Asks For Tea Party License Plate nbc

Smart Meters - know your rights.

FYI: This was received from a member of a southern California Tea Party. Please read and pass to all family and friends. We must be proactive and speak up or we will continue to lose our freedoms. Last week Gwen saw 6 or 8 trucks with the name "Wellington" printed on the side. It wasn't a local name she recognized so after checking this out she discovered that Wellington is the company that PG&E has contracted to install these SMART METERS. They are already here folks!

Republican Orlean Koehle says Just Say NO to “Big Brother’s” Smart Meters
What is a smart meter? It is one that contains RF (radio frequency) so that it can be remotely controlled and read. No longer will a meter reader have to come to your home to read the meter. It will all be done remotely. When all is in place, the smart meter will not only keep track of how much electricity you are using, but it will be able to control, regulate, and ration your use of that electricity. If “big brother” decides that you are using too much heat in the winter time, or too much air conditioning in the summer time, or using too much hot water in your showers or washing machine (even if you are willing to pay for that extra usage), that use of power will be automatically turned down. A future goal is to have all appliances replaced with those containing RF chips for even more regulations and controls.

To most Americans, this is a little too much “big brother” snooping into our private lives and trying to control every aspect of them.

PG&E's info page
PG&E and Wellington Energy
PG&E and Wellington Energy, an authorized, independent contractor for PG&E, began upgrading gas and electric meters in 2006. The SmartMeter™ program is already the largest in the nation, and by mid-2012, will be available to all of the millions of gas and electric customers we serve.

The SmartMeter™ system provides new features for you: More convenience and better, faster service; New rate choices and more control over your energy bills.

Protests Halt PG&E's 'Smart' Meters for 3rd Day in a Row at indybay
PG&E suspends exec who used alias in online group

★ Test drive the site ★

Loading info from HTPP website, and linking to its pages - leaving some of it off since the election is over, but will add it all in as we go (can be backdated). In short it is well on its way - and is very user friendly - IT IS READY FOR A TEST DRIVE.

-- Will be adding Facebook, Twitter and a dedicated Chatroom.
(note: Facebook is up and running, become a Fan at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Humboldt-Tea-Party-Patriots/159725687396249 )
-- Setting up an elected officials page with links to their sites and emails - not done yet.
-- Added a list of the best conservative blogs - can add others if people have favorites - or if you want some liberal sites too.
-- Added links to local govt. sites and meeting agendas - will add state and national as we go.

Comment - make suggestions... we want to hear from you.

★ November 11th - Special Announcement ★

Please Join Us New Meeting Place
***Next Meeting 11/11/2010

We will be meeting at the Eureka Veterans Memorial Building at 1020 H Street, Eureka. The meeting will begin as usual at 6:15 but we will gather at 5:30 for a social time for those that are interested.

We will be discussing election results and the impact on our lives at the county, state, and national level. We will also be discussing, “Where do we go from here?”

Meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of every month. Agendas will be posted here as they become available.


★ Ferndale Happenings for Veterans Day ★

November 10: Historical Film, "Letters Home." Letters written to their families and to The Ferndale Enterprise by U.S. Armed Forces servicemen and women from Ferndale/Bear River/Mattole between February 1941 and late 1946. Full-length feature created by the Ferndale Museum has letters read, often by members of their families, with original footage on local war efforts by Jack Tipple, Sr., plus hundreds of photographs, video interviews with veterans, and widows, children, and family and friends of veterans. Ferndale Veteran’s Memorial Building, shown twice, 4 and 7 p.m. Tickets available in Ferndale at the Museum, Lentz Department Store, and Rings Pharmacy and in Fortuna from Green’s Pharmacy. Museum members, $10; non-members, $25 (includes a one year membership); World War II veterans and/or their spouses free of charge. Advance tickets recommended.

★ Fortuna Happenings for Veterans Day ★

Please join in the “Salute to Veterans” in Fortuna at 2pm at the Veterans Building on Main Street.

★ Been Looking for Constitutional Classes? ★

Here is your opportunity. A group called the “Citizens for the Republic” will be having Constitutional classes on December 14th & 15th at 7pm at Shaw Computers in Fortuna. I hope many of you take advantage of this opportunity

★ Circa 1948 ★