Colin Powell Blames Media and Tea Party for Divisive Tone in Washington

It goes without saying that I very much agree with Powell's point concerning the media's role in the political divide in the nation. - Noel Sheppard/Newsbusters

However, although the question was asked by Amanpour, any discussion of the Tea Party's involvement in the current tone should certainly have involved the Occupy Wall Street movement and what its participants both overt and covert are doing.

This is particularly important given the press's adoration for a group so antagonistic to the most successful members of the society.

Also missing in this segment was how a president and a political Party that are stoking the flames of class envy fit into the current caustic environment.

When the leader of the nation continually talks about the rich not paying their "fair share" - doing so in a fashion that defies any knowledge of the current tax code as well as who's actually paying most of the costs associated with the federal government - this has as much to do with the divisive tone as anything else if not more.

Not at all surprisingly, this wasn't addressed by Amanpour or Powell.