#OccupyWallStreet is no tea party

The media chorus is singing a new song this week in its anti-tea party echo chamber. It goes something like this: The law-breaking anarchists who want to tear America down are somehow just like law-abiding tea partiers — who are working tirelessly to build America back up. - Politico

...The tea party movement started spontaneously from the rant of CNBC’s Rick Santelli on Feb. 19, 2009. His words resonated with millions across the country, and his spontaneous call for a “tea party” spurred tens of thousands to action.

Within a week, in close to 50 locations across the country, almost 40,000 people turned out to protest the U.S. government’s fiscal irresponsibility. By Tax Day in April 2009, the movement had grown to millions — and there were more than 850 peaceful, lawful protests across the nation attended by more than a million people.

The movement was organic, fast moving and had a cogent message: It’s time for fiscal responsibility in government.

Tea party rallies have always felt like “parties” — and safe and clean ones at that. Unlike protesters in New York, I can find no reports of tea partiers being arrested, individually or en masse, at the thousands of tea parties across the country with millions of attendees that have taken place for years now.... Read the rest

The Tea Party movement which is driven by "We The People" is the polar opposite of the George Soros and far left organizations funded Occupy Wall Street assault on Capitalism and America. How dare they compare their low rent "trashy movement" to the dignified Tea Party. - Lloyd Marcus/American Thinker