We will be showing a DVD of Michael Coffman's presentation. He is the author of "Rescuing a Broken America." You will remember, Mr. Coffman had been scheduled to come to Eureka and give us a presentation earlier this month but had to cancel.
This DVD will help you to understand why we have a great division in our nation. Mr. Coffman is an avid private property rights individual and an opponent of the global agenda, Agenda 21.
~~ Monday, May 30th we will be in Ferndale on the corner of Main St & Eugene St (Across from the Ivanhoe) meet there at 9:40. We will stand, holding flags and then walk to the cemetery and stand holding flags as the ceremony takes place.
~~Monday, May 30th - Ocean View Cememtery also has a program ... not sure of the time (The Tea Party doesn't attend this but if you can't make it to Ferndale, you might want to catch this one.)
~~~Tuesday, June 14th is FLAG DAY!!! What would you like to do???
~~~Thursday, June 9th- Meeting - HTPP @ Eureka Veteran's Bldg - 5:30/6:15 - 1020 H St.
~~~Thursday, June 23rd - Meeting - HTPP @ Eureka Veteran's Bldg - 5:30/6:15 - 1020 H St. RYAN SUNDBERG - 5th District Supervisor will be our Guest Speaker.